Thursday, November 1, 2012

Improve Mileage, Save Money!

(NewsUSA) - While gas prices are getting seasonally lower, they remain above $3 a gallon forcing many drivers to continue penny pinching.  Finding ways to get better gas mileage is more important than ever.

Fortunately, affordable technology is finally catching up to the escalating problem. Some auto companies are trying to ease the burden of astronomical gas prices by improving technology and making it accessible. Vision Motor Company is priming its widespread release of alternative vehicles using compressed natural gas (CNG), which can cut fuel costs by up to 80 percent. Besides polluting as much as 90 percent less than traditional gasoline, natural gas vehicles can get 45 miles per gallon on CNG fuel. But, according to Vision chairman Bob Smith, new fuel-efficient spark plugs called Pulstar Pulse Plugs have truly enabled the newest car, SEERngv, to go mainstream.